·Legal texts on Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) strategic plans
- CAP strategic plans – Proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 392
- CAP strategic plans – Annexes to proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 392
·Legal texts on financing, management and monitoring of the CAP
- Financing, management and monitoring of the CAP – Proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 393
- Financing, management and monitoring of the CAP – Annex to proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 393
·Legal texts on common organisation of the markets
·Impact assessments
- Strategic plans, financing, management and monitoring of CAP, common organisation of markets - Impact assessment part 1 SWD(2018) 301
- Strategic plans, financing, management and monitoring of CAP, common organisation of markets - Impact assessment part 2 SWD(2018) 301
- Strategic plans, financing, management and monitoring of CAP, common organisation of markets - Impact assessment part 3 SWD(2018) 301
·Legal texts on the Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE)
- Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) – Proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 385
- Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) – Annexes to proposal for a regulation COM(2018) 385
- Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) – Impact assessment SWD(2018) 292
- Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) – Impact assessment executive summary SWD(2018) 293